Breath & Bass Journey
Breath & Bass is a Unique Breath, Flow, Dance & Music Experience.
I birthed Breath & Bass out of a deep love and passion for music & movement, with the vision of fostering a fresh, unique, conscious approach to enjoyment, celebration, and healing. Recognising the profound impact of channeling emotions and energy through my body, I wanted to share this transformative experience with others. The unique fusion of breathwork, embodied movement, dance, and music is my way of inviting you to release what is no longer serving you, finding liberation and joy through the harmonious union of Breath & Bass!
There are 3 phases to a Breath & Bass Journey.
Phase 1: Breathwork & Flow
The journey unfolds with a buffet of intentional breath work and intuitive flow that guides you inwards, gently soothing your nervous system, warming up your joints and muscles and intimately checking in with the rhythm of your body, allowing a gradual immersion into the experience and setting the intention for a profound inward exploration. This initial phase serves as a mindful transition, fostering a connection between breath and movement.
Phase 2: Dance Release
As the energy and tempo escalate, we begin to surrender to the power of the music and practice the art of letting go, shedding our inhibitions, cultivating a newfound inner confidence - a clarity untethered by intoxication. It's an opportunity to learn the dance of self expression. Let yourself be carried away - dance freely, bounce, shake, jump, breathe, and release whatever emotions need liberation. Feel the music speak directly to your heart, creating a harmonious connection that transcends the physical, inviting you to loose yourself to dance and revel in the sheer joy of movement & sound.
Phase 3: Grounding & Integration
Grounding and Integration are the vital phases where the transformative healing energy cultivated throughout the Breath & Bass experience finds its anchor and purpose, enabling a smooth transition from the dynamic dance to a state of rooted presence. This phase is about assimilating the energy and insights gained during the journey. Embrace the positive vibrations, let them settle within, and allow the experience to become a part of your being. Integration is the bridge that brings the dance, the breath, and the newfound awareness into your daily life, fostering a holistic sense of wellbeing.